La Chartreuse lives and tells each other for a long time
In 1964, the Vallon des Eparres located in the massif of Grand Som in the heart of the Chartreuse is completely unknown from a caving point of view and presents an enigma: in the bed of the Guier Vif , the exsurgence of Noirfond seems to drain this valley completely devoid of water circulation in the open air ...
- What's the path of the underground river?
En amont du film en cours, dont la sortie est agendée à l’automne 2019,
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1 clip 2019,
Le Trou qu’on voit
et les 4 clips 2018,
Air of Time
Heart of Bears
Dead and Alive!
After 50 years of exploration, the SCV (Speleo-Club de Villeurbanne), the local actors (PNR, municipalities, museums ...), retrace the main stages of this quest and the impacts of the historical discoveries made; a fabulous adventure both human, technical and scientific...
Photos, motions, sounds Resources not free.
Merci à l’équipe de production du -Vallon des Eparres- : J. Lachise, J.C. Garnier, A. Gresse, M. Philippe, F. Benard, N. Brault, .J. Romestan, N. Jonard, O. et J.Ph Dégletagne… et tous les spéléos-porteurs mobilisés !